GLEIF provides detailed information about organizations active in the global financial market. The complete Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) data are publicly available through GLEIF's web-based tools and API.
GLEIF provides detailed information about organizations active in the global financial market. The complete Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) data are publicly available through GLEIF's web-based tools and API.
Fostering transparency in the finance sector helps make it more sustainable and accountable. We are excited that we can help GLEIF, as a critical player in digitized organizational identity, to make a difference.
When GLEIF receives incoming data from its partners, it runs through automated checks. The results are stored in a data pool. We developed a pipeline that combines all the information using our data module Ada.
When GLEIF receives incoming data from its partners, it runs through automated checks. The results are stored in a data pool. We developed a pipeline that combines all the information using our data module Ada.
Together with GLEIF, we identified the most critical metrics to track the data. When the data is aggregated, we can determine which checks fail and when and where they fail.
The dashboard brings a relevant improvement to the workflow of GLEIF's team. They can now identify problems earlier, monitor the data quality, and communicate insights in day-to-day operations.
The information visualized in the dashboard is processed by our reporting module John and summarised in a single-page document.
Each report informs internal and external sector experts and the interested public about the general data quality of the global data pool.
The information visualized in the dashboard is processed by our reporting module John and summarised in a single-page document.
Each report informs internal and external sector experts and the interested public about the general data quality of the global data pool.
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